Ching-Ching Chang



Film megnevezése Megjelenés
Huge Brothers December 9, 1972
Blood Leopard September 1, 1972
The Patriotic Heroine July 1, 1971
The Magnificent Chivalry July 22, 1971
The Evil Karate October 23, 1971
King of Kings January 1, 1969
Duel with Devil November 19, 1971
A Real Man January 1, 1971
The Seisure Soul Sword of a Blind Girl April 9, 1970
Paid with Blood November 19, 1970
The Darkest Sword January 1, 1970
Bloody Hand Goddess September 10, 1970
Superior Darter September 12, 1969
Son of Swordsman January 9, 1969